Why second hand iPhones cost more than second hand Android phones.

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Why second hand iPhones cost more than second hand Android phones.

iPhone 7 came out three years ago. I could sell it and still get a couple thousand rupees. But when it comes to Android phone, it would be a very different. Why can I get so much if the phone is 3 years old?

Right now on OLX a used iPhone 7 goes for around 20,000 INR to sometimes over 30,000 INR . But a Galaxy S7, which also came out in 2016, sells for under 14,000 INR . It doesn’t matter where you shop, used iPhones always cost more than the same generation of Android phone. Buying a refurbished iPhone 7 Plus from Apple still costs 35,000 INR . Unfortunately, all phones lose value as soon as you take them out of the box. Even a used iPhone XS, which came out last year, sells for around 76,000 INR to 85,000 INR on OLX . That’s 20% to 30% less than the original price. But after doing our research we have seen that after a year, iPhones keeps around 15% more value than Samsung phones.

And it’s even worse for other Android phone manufacturers, like LG. The LG G8 ThinQ came out in March. It costs around 75,000 INR new, but used it sells for just 25,000 INR to 32,000 INR. That’s more than a 50% loss in just four months. So why do we consider old phones to be worth so much less? For better or worse, the smartphone upgrade cycle is quick. Every year you know there will be new phones with new features.

One of the major reason for buying new phone is because your current phone is working slow or the OS out of date. But Apple has a big advantage. because Apple has complete control on the iPhone, they choose to support their iphone for a longer time. And they’re more transparent about how long a phone will be supported. That means your old phone can get the newest features and security updates. iPhone 5s, that came out in 2013 still runs IOS 12. In fact, Apple reports that 85% of iPhone users have installed the latest software. On the other hand Android has only had 10% adoption.

Our research showed that iPhone 6s and 7 are still very popular phones. And Apple will soon launch iOS 13 to both of these phones. So basically iPhone 6s has been supported through five version of OS. No Android phone have done this. Because of these updates, older iPhones remain more popular and can be sold for more money. Companies like Samsung and LG are slow to bring new versions of Android the devices. Modifying Android for each phone will consume lot of time, and companies might not be motivated to bring new versions to phones because they are several years old. And it’s kinda tough to say the duration of support for your device, although the speed of Android updates has gotten better over the last couple of years.

Plus Apple has one of the best brand recognition. Because of this People are trusting to buy a used iPhone 7 more than a OnePlus 6 only because they know what they get with an iPhone. And unless you’re the type of person who watches a review of every new Android phone, it can be tough to keep up with each release. In the cast of iphone that are released every September. Android manufacturing company can do something to increase their phones resale values.

Only if they get new of Android faster it will give an advantage. Now if you own a Google’s own Pixel, you know you’ll get Google’s software updates right away. So you will use that device for longer time. And phones that don’t modify stock Android very much usually perform better in the long run. OnePlus phones, for example, don’t pack on a lot of extra features on top of Android. As a result, they still run great years after they’re released.

But no matter you have, iPhone or Android Try to sell your phone before they release a new model. Phones price goes down immediately after a new one is launched.

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